Oakleaf Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is proud to have participated in the highly successful ARM
RUN FOR THE FUTURE Fitness Fun Fest that took place on the 29th of April 2023. As a
company that prioritizes healthy living and wellness, this event was a perfect match for our
values and goals.
The ARM Run for the Future is an 8km race that promotes the importance of exercise and
healthy living to the general public. The event, which was held at Muri Okunola Park,
Victoria Island, Lagos, was filled with exciting activities for everyone.
As a participant in this event, Oakleaf Pharmaceuticals demonstrated our commitment to
promoting healthy living and well-being for our customers and the community at large. We
were thrilled to be part of such a fantastic initiative.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all our supporters, customers, partners, and
stakeholders who came out to participate in the ARM RUN FOR THE FUTURE Fitness
Fun Fest. We look forward to partnering with everyone to create awareness and promote
healthy living in our communities.